Síolta, the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education, was developed by the Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education, on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills. It was published in 2006.
Síolta comprises three distinct, but interrelated elements: Principles, Standards and Components of Quality. The 12 Principles provide the overall vision of the Framework, while the 16 Standards and 75 Components allow for the practical application of this vision across all aspects of practice in the Early Years Service.
The Components of Quality are further explained by a set of Signposts, for ‘Reflection’ and ‘Think-abouts’, which are intended to support practitioners in early education settings to become aware of, and critical of their practice. These core elements of Síolta are set out in detail in each of the Síolta user manuals.
Hardcopies of the Manuals can be purchased from Government Publications REF 61 at a cost of €5 each.
For further information visit www.siolta.ie or contact
The Early Years Education Policy Unit,
Department of Education and Skills,
Mespil House,
43-49 Mespil Road,
Dublin 4.
Tel: +353 (0)1 647 3050 / 3250 Email: earlychildhood@education.gov.ie