Parents and Toddler Group

Looking for a Parent and Toddler Group in County Monaghan

Parent/toddler groups can be a great way of meeting other people with children the same age as yours in your area. While these were traditionally aimed at mothers, they are now aimed at parent as well as minders, grandparents and other guardians. Some are held in local community centres or church halls while others meet in the homes of group members. You can attend a toddler group with children ranging from a new born baby to a pre-schooler or a combination of different age range of children.

Parent & Toddler Groups provide a great opportunity for parents to come together to chat and share information and share the expertise of other parents while children play in a safe and fun environment Monaghan County Childcare Committee has a full list of parent and toddler groups in the county.

You could also try Cuidiú a parent-to-parent voluntary support group, which runs parent and baby/toddler groups in 13 branches nationwide. includes a section on meeting points for parents in each region of the country.

Early Childhood Ireland also provides information on groups.

If you wish to establish your own parent and toddler group contact Monaghan CCC Telephone: 047 72896  email: